Tuesday, May 1, 2012

3 months ago I would not have expected this...

 It's crazy how life takes you on so many twists and turns. (Or maybe it's God who takes you more then life itself) A few months ago I would never have seen myself where I am today. I never would have thought that I would have a job that I love, and that fits me perfectly. I never would have thought that an incredible man would come into my life and begin to pursue me. I would never have thought that I would have my own car and be looking to move out in a few months. I would never have thought that I would be finishing up my AA in the fall and then taking a year off of school. All those things required trust, and once I gave that trust to God He provided in crazy ways!
  My job required that I trust that God would provide me a job. Once I got to that point of putting it in God's hands the very next day God provided someone calling to set up an interview and then a day later I had a job! Having an incredible man coming into my life required that I trust God to either provide someone incredible or help me to be content with singleness. The moment when I surrendered the desire to have a man to God and actually was content in my singleness was right around the time when God provided an incredible man who is constantly showing me a clearer picture of the amazing love God has for me.
  Getting my car required me telling God and others that I had that need and then God provided a great car at a great price! The biggest lesson in trust out of all these (besides learning to better trust Drew as we grow closer, and get closer to pursuing courtship) is taking a break from school. I so badly wanted to go go go until I finished this all up. I had a timeline and a specific plan for how I wanted things to look with schooling and God showed me that I need to let go of that plan. So within a few months I will be entering into a time of rest and waiting. It will be good, but hard for someone like me who wants to be in control constantly!

  So basically, the reason I'm where I'm at today is because I'm learning to trust God, and He is showing me through this that He does provide. He is SO faithful in so many ways, and will ALWAYS come through no matter what! It may not be in the way I would like or expect, but it is the best way, and in His perfect timing. God knows best. He loves me and you so deeply. If we would only trust Him more He would show us the wonderful things He has in store for us!

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