Wednesday, March 21, 2012

What is this... Pursuit?!

I'm amazed by God. A person can think they know Him and have this view of who they think He is only to find out that they were completely wrong. Such is the case with me constantly! The most recent way He caught me off guard was with His pursuit of me. He has been pursuing me all these years in so many ways! Some times it's been through taking people and/or things out of my life to show me my need for Him (and sometimes to protect me) and lately it's been using other people to show me an example of what it means to be pursued in a Godly way.
 I'm discovering that it means that the pursuer is always looking out for the best of the person they are pursuing, which means respecting them and loving them in an unconditional way. It also means commitment, and not giving up on the person even when it's tempting too. It's a journey, it doesn't all happen at one time, which means that it also requires patience. Not very many people are willing to pursue in a Godly way because it means a lot of sacrifice and dying to themselves and putting the other first.
  God however, is always pursuing us that way, and sometimes He puts people in our lives who are willing to pursue us in that way too. People who are seeking the heart of God and so their life reflects it in the way the view relationships. Having such a person in your life is incredible and such a gift from God that shows you how He views you. Sometimes this comes in the form of a romantic relationship or perhaps family or a dear friend. God uses all kinds of people to show us what love is. I'm so grateful for that! Relationships are a beautiful way that God shows us His love.
  I'm so thankful that God is constantly pursuing me in many different ways. I know that I don't deserve it, and yet He keeps at it. That amazes me! His faithfulness, patience and love knows no end!!

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