Sunday, February 16, 2014


  It has been a really long time since I've wrote. I looked at the date of my last post, and it was nearly a year ago, right before I got married! I'm now Mrs.Duchi. It's odd to think of myself as a Mrs. I've been married almost a year now and I'm still getting used to the idea.
  In my almost 10 months of marriage I've learned a lot, but most of all I've learned that I have so much to learn! I went into marriage with a picture of what I thought it was going to be like and I was pretty far off! I thought that I would run around the house as a cheerful little wifey with my hair all done and cutesy clothes on, and then Drew would walk up to me in the kitchen and wrap me in a hug, and I would smile sweetly up at him and get lost in the moment.... ok so maybe my imagination didn't go that sappy, but still. I thought it would have it's hard moments, but overall the first year would be a wonderful, romantic, amazing time of my life.
  People had said to me that the first year is often very hard, and I heard them, but I thought, oh yeah it will be different and maybe a hard adjustment, but Drew and I know what it takes to work as team etc, so we will not struggle too much. It's true that pride comes before a fall! Not to say that Drew and I have only had troubles in marriage, that is not at all the case. Some of the things I imagined and dreamed of are true! Drew and I have a lot of fun together, we are learning to work as a team, and he is becoming my best friend. I love the man very much!
  But marriage is not without it's struggles. It's not something you can just dreamily get through, it takes work on not just a daily basis, but on a moment to moment basis. Love is not a feeling, but something to work at. But the beauty of it is, the more you work at it and chose to give love even when you don't feel "in love" the deeper your love for your spouse grows. I'm not going to post everything I've learned about marriage in this post, but I'm going to share my journey along the way.
  I know I'm a newlywed and I know many others know much more about marriage than I, but I'm learning and I hope that as I share my journey with you that you will be encourage and learn from my mistakes. Married or not, I hope that somehow, someway I can encourage you along my journey as a wife, and a women striving to follow Christ.