Change. A word that brings feelings of excitement, sadness and fear all at one time. A word that fills my heart with so many emotions that I can barely hold them in. Something my heart desires and yet dreads.
Right now I sit overwhelmed at the amount of change happening in my life. It's all happening so fast and so soon, I didn't know it would be so hard to move into this next chapter of my life. Yet change is here, knocking at the door. I have no choose but to let it in. I can't live my life stuck in the same place unable to change out of fear.
I'm no longer a child. I will be leaving my family and starting a new life for myself a new family. No longer will I have the comfort of coming home to those same faces I've come home to for almost 22 years. To think of that brings tears to my eyes as I think of missing out on the crazy conversations, the fits of laughter, and also the heavy conversations and tears. No longer will I be one of the Millett clan.
It's now that I realize how deeply I love my family and how hard it will be to leave. Yet something beckens. Something sweet and precious to me. A new life, a new family. A chance to build something new from the ground up. A new face to come home to, a new person to share every part of my life with. A new last name that I will carry with me and pass onto my children.
Tears will be shed and my heart will be sad as I leave this old life, but there is hope in starting new. There is excitement in what the future may bring, and joy at the thought of walking side by side with my love as long as we both shall live.
Perhaps change is a door that we all must walk through to live the life we were intended to live. To stay in one place is to miss out on all that life has to offer. I'm ready. I will open that door when the time comes and walk through it with joy and tears.