Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Love covers

  I just read Proverbs 10:12 which says; "Hatrid stirs up conflict, but love covers all wrongs." Reading that caused me to start thinking about love covering over something. What does it look like for love to cover something? When I first read that it seemed like it was referring to a cover up, so it would be like not even dealing with the wrong, but just covering it up.
  As I thought about it further I came to the conclusion that covering over a wrong doesn't mean not dealing with it, but it means not holding onto it. It ties in with the "love chapter" in 1 Cor. 13 which says that love keeps no record of wrongs. So when someone wrongs you the response should be to not hold it over their head and hang out to it, but to deal with it and let it go.
  I know this is really basic stuff, but I think it's worth mentioning because even the most basic stuff can be forgotten in a moment of anger and frustration at a person for how they've wronged you. I know that I constantly forget the basic stuff and so easily lapse into thinking only of myself and how angry I am at whoever wronged me, instead of thinking about how I can respond in love. Thinking about love covering brings me to dwell on love in general. 

  I think that I am so far from really grasping what love is and how to give and receive love. I read verses like the one in Proverbs and I realize just how unloving I can be at times. I get so consumed in myself and what I want and think I need, and don't often stop to think of the other person and what their needs are and how I can meet them. 
  I get so swept into the cultures view of love, which is that it is a feeling and that it's all about the romance and being swept away. That's not love at all! True love is not giving up on someone when you want to walk away, it's being patient when they are getting on your nerves, it's giving to them when you don't feel like giving to anyone, it's meeting their needs when you really just want someone to meet yours, love is a sacrifice and a choice.
  The cool thing is that the more you choose to love someone is when the feelings often start to come with it! The more you love someone the more your love for them grows and before you know it what used to be frustration is now deep love for that person. Of course there are those people who are always hard to love and it's always a battle, but making the choice to love and prayer go a long way in those situations.
  I still have so much to learn about love, but these are just some of my thoughts on it. I'm so glad that God made the choice to love us humans even though we really don't deserve it at all! Thinking about that makes me think, how can I choose not to love someone when God chose to love me? I've been giving a great gift how can I not share it?

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Good things

  "Praise the Lord, my soul,
    and forget not all his benefits—
who forgives all your sins
    and heals all your diseases,
who redeems your life from the pit
    and crowns you with love and compassion,
who satisfies your desires with good things
    so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s."

"who satisfies your desires with good things..."
That part of the psalm really stood out to me.
At first I was like, oh so He gives us all our desires, ok, well how come I still don't have what I want?
Then it dawned on me. God doesn't give me what I want necessarily, but what is BEST for me.
He gives me good things.
  Often I see good things as those things that I want, when really what is good for me is sometimes exactly the opposite! God knows my heart better than I know my heart and so knows exactly what I need to satisfy my hearts longings. He is my Heavenly Father who knows me inside and out and can meet my needs better than I can meet my own! How amazing it is that He chooses to meet this sinful person right where she is at to lavish so much love and compassion on!
  This psalm reminds me that I can rest knowing that my Father is taking care of me. I don't have to run around trying to get my hearts needs met, and trying to find the love I so long for. God has already graciously given that to me, and is daily here ready to meet my deepest needs. He is taking care of me, and won't stop doing so. He gives me good things.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


    Change. A word that brings feelings of excitement, sadness and fear all at one time. A word that fills my heart with so many emotions that I can barely hold them in. Something my heart desires and yet dreads. 
  Right now I sit overwhelmed at the amount of change happening in my life. It's all happening so fast and so soon, I didn't know it would be so hard to move into this next chapter of my life. Yet change is here, knocking at the door. I have no choose but to let it in. I can't live my life stuck in the same place unable to change out of fear. 
  I'm no longer a child. I will be leaving my family and starting a new life for myself a new family. No longer will I have the comfort of coming home to those same faces I've come home to for almost 22 years. To think of that brings tears to my eyes as I think of missing out on the crazy conversations, the fits of laughter, and also the heavy conversations and tears. No longer will I be one of the Millett clan. 
  It's now that I realize how deeply I love my family and how hard it will be to leave. Yet something beckens. Something sweet and precious to me. A new life, a new family. A chance to build something new from the ground up. A new face to come home to, a new person to share every part of my life with. A new last name that I will carry with me and pass onto my children. 
  Tears will be shed and my heart will be sad as I leave this old life, but there is hope in starting new. There is excitement in what the future may bring, and joy at the thought of walking side by side with my love as long as we both shall live. 
  Perhaps change is a door that we all must walk through to live the life we were intended to live. To stay in one place is to miss out on all that life has to offer. I'm ready. I will open that door when the time comes and walk through it with joy and tears.